Mega Menu Weebly App


Mega Menu Weebly app gives a user the ability to add drag and drop enabled mega menu in Weebly website. Mega menus have more area to showcase the links and other content elements.

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Mega Menu Weebly app gives a user the ability to add drag and drop enabled mega menu in Weebly website. Mega menus have more area to showcase the links and other content elements. Any Weebly element can be added in Mega Menu by using drag and drop interface of Weebly editor.

Since Mega Menus cover more space that’s why the Mega Menu will display on devices having screen size greater than 992px. On smaller devices, it will display the default Weebly menu. The user can define a top margin, left margin and width of Mega Menu so that it displays at a proper position.

Please note that Mega Menu will not work for themes having fixed/sticky navigation bar.

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The application price is one time for unlimited use of the application in one Weebly website.

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