Learn Web Development using weebly – Weebly Tutorial

In our previous blog post Create Free Website With Weebly, we have discussed seven basic steps to create a free website using Weebly CMS. In this blog post we will share resources and work plan about how we can learn web development using Weebly’s easy drag and drop CMS (content management system). So let’s start !

Why Web Development Using Weebly?

Web Development is a trending skill that can earn a great revenue in today’s digital world where every company, organization, business or even individuals want to have their online presence where they can share information, ideas and thoughts. Web Development includes design, presentation and web languages (programming or coding).

Weebly is a content management system (CMS), which provides an easy to use interface and resources that can be used by both beginners and professionals to have an eye catching website, blog or online store. The main advantage of using Weebly  is that even beginners who don’t have any coding or programming skills can create their own professional looking websites or online stores. Weebly achieve this goal of easiness by providing drag and drop elements.

Why Weebly? Drag and Drop Elements

  • Title Box
  • An element to add headlines or titles in website.

  • Text Element
  • An element to add texts or paragraphs in website.

  • Image Element
  • Image element is used to upload and insert image in website.

  • Gallery Element
  • Gallery element provide easy interface to add multiple images in website.

  • Slideshow Element
  • Slideshow element is used to upload and present multiple images in the form of a slideshow.

  • Map Element
  • Map element is used in websites to show your visitors where your business, company or organization is located so that they can reach you.

  • Embed Code
  • With Embed Code element of weebly any third party html, css or javascript code can be added to extend the functionality of your website. For example Mailchimp newsletter integration, Facebook comments, Disqus Comments or Twitter Feeds etc. can be added to websites using embed code element of weebly.

web development using weebly

The other drag and drop elements of weebly include Divider, Spacer, Button, Search Box, HD Video, Audio, Document, Youtube video, Flash, File, Block Quote, Poll, Social Icons, Contact Form, RSVP Form, Survey, Feed Reader, Bookings, Forums and Google Adsense.

Why Weebly? Easy To Setup Blog Page

Besides these easy to use drag and drop elements, a blog page can also be added to a Weebly website which provide an easy interface to add blog posts. Blog pages are used to share quick information about your business or organizations. Blog posts can be categorized into different categories again with an easy interface provided by Weebly.

Why Weebly? Easy to Use Code Editor

By using above mentioned features and elements of Weebly a complete functioning website can be developed but if you still want to modify some of design elements or you want to have different layouts of different pages then don’t worry because Weebly also provide functionality to edit the html / css code of your weebly website. To edit code of your website you can use “Design Tab” of Weebly Editor Navigation. 

Why Weebly? For Interactive Web Development Learning

Weebly also can play its role in learning web programming or coding skills without any cost. Now having your own weebly website, you can learn rules of web programming languages (Html, Css, javascript, jQuery etc.) from w3schools.com or codeacademy.com and implement them in html/css weebly editor. In this way you can learn web programming skills and Weebly as CMS skills interactively. 


In this blog post we have tried to cover how Weebly can be used to learn web development and web programming skills that can be used to create professional websites, blogs and online E-Commerce Stores. We have tried to cover basic drag and drop elements which makes Weebly an easy to use CMS, blog page functionality and also we have discussed about how Weebly can be used for interactive web development learning. If you think we have missed something or you have any question related to web development using weebly, please comment them below.

One thought on “Learn Web Development using weebly – Weebly Tutorial

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